You have baby chickens hatching in your house. YES, we have baby chickens in our house. that is a picture of the baby chick are few hrs. old. There were 4 eggs but only 2 hatched or Emma Grace says "Patched." Well, we keep the chicks in the old rabbit cage because the rabbit has new home outside. We decided it was time to take them to the farm to live, well.......
they died. We guess it got to cold, but Emma Grace's thinks they are still there. We could tell her since she has seen her share of animals that have died. You just don't get attached to out farm animals because they just don't always live. I know no more city in me.
So now E.G wants to hatch baby ducks. We thought it would be fun for her and Jake to see this. Well, after we order the incubator we did not know how much eggs would cost. It is $50.00 for 12 duck eggs and that is not a guarantee that they will hatch. I mean Please. We got the chicken eggs from a momma hen at the farm. We told her she could save her money if she wants to buy them. She has been working hard for some money. She already has $15.00. We will see I will keep you posted on the egg situation!!
they died. We guess it got to cold, but Emma Grace's thinks they are still there. We could tell her since she has seen her share of animals that have died. You just don't get attached to out farm animals because they just don't always live. I know no more city in me.
So now E.G wants to hatch baby ducks. We thought it would be fun for her and Jake to see this. Well, after we order the incubator we did not know how much eggs would cost. It is $50.00 for 12 duck eggs and that is not a guarantee that they will hatch. I mean Please. We got the chicken eggs from a momma hen at the farm. We told her she could save her money if she wants to buy them. She has been working hard for some money. She already has $15.00. We will see I will keep you posted on the egg situation!!
this is what our house would have looked like when we were kids if my dad had his way but my mom put her foot down - so we had lots of adopted strays in the yard...there was a pig one time, a rooster, a pair of ducks (which my dad sunk a old bathtub in the ground for) I'm not making this stuff up!
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